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[软件运用] MAYA VRAY 翻译教程


签到天数: 42 天


发表于 2008-6-1 01:15:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
In this tutorial i will show you how to setup and use vray engine.
Firtsly what you gotta do is download vray for maya. Go to http://support.chaosgroup.com/ and if you're not registered, do it.
首先,必须下载Vray for maya。可以到http://support.chaosgroup.com/下载,需要注册。

Go to VRay builds and download a build for you maya version. Installation should go without any problems because vray now offers new user-friendly installer.
After succesful installation you have to enable vray plug-in in your maya settings by going to Window>Settings/Prefferences> Plug-in Manager, scroll down for vrayformayaxx.mll and check 'Loaded'. Check also Autoload if you want to start vray every maya initialisation.
安装成功以后就可以在maya设置里Window>Settings/Prefferences> Plug-in Manager,在打开的卷轴栏下方找到vrayformayaxx.mll并勾选“Loaded“,如果你想每次启动maya都加载Vray,那就把“Autoload“也勾上。
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签到天数: 42 天


 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-1 01:16:06 | 显示全部楼层
If you open HyperShade you'll see there'a a new Node called VRay Mtl. This node is recommended to use with vray because it's optimized for vray. However vray supports some maya nodes but speed of rendering while using them can dramatically slow down. As you can see on the image below, the time using lambert and vray mtl are exactly the same until there are no extra effects like transparency, reflections etc.
当你打开HyperShade的时候就会看到一个命名为VRay Mtl的新节点。这个节点是vray的专用材质,所以对Vray的支持是最好的。尽管Vray提供了一些maya节点,但是使用他们将使渲染速度明显降低。你可以在下面的图象看到,如果不增加额外的效果,比如透明度的变化、反射等,那么使用lambert 材质和 vray mtl材质的渲染时间正好是一样的。
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签到天数: 42 天


 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-1 01:17:02 | 显示全部楼层
Now i'll show you how to setup HDRI using vray4maya. There are two ways to do this. First method adds only reflections, no extra lighting, no extra render time. Setting this is very simple. Go to vray render setting, under Environments> Reflection Texture put your hdri image.

现在怎么来学习一下怎么在vray for maya中使用HDRI。有两种方法。第一种方法是只添加反射,没有额外的灯光,这样不增加渲染时间。这里的设置非常简单,在vray render setting下的Environments> Reflection Texture放置HDRI高动态贴图就可以了。
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签到天数: 42 天


 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-1 01:17:41 | 显示全部楼层
Second way is by using VRAY Dome Light. Put Texture into DomeTexture Slot and check 'Use Dome Tex'
第二种方法是使用VRAY Dome Light,放置HDRI高动态贴图到DomeTexture位置并勾选'Use Dome Tex'
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签到天数: 42 天


 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-1 01:18:33 | 显示全部楼层
Now if you take a look at the rendered images you'll se there's a huge difference between these two images. First method generates only reflections with low render time. Second gives us nice soft and smooth shadows and the same reflections as preciously but render time is several times bigger.
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签到天数: 42 天


 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-1 01:19:39 | 显示全部楼层
Here a quick overview of a VRAY Sun system which is real-life system. In my opinion vray sun is a little bit faster and more accurate than mental ray's. To enable sun system, go to render settings> VRay Sky. Below is a little comparision of vray and mental ray sun system.
下面是真实的VRAY阳光系统模块概要。我认为vray的阳光系统要比mental ray的稍微快和更准确。要使用vray的阳光系统,可以在render settings> VRay Sky。下面是Vray和mental ray的阳光系统的一个小小比较。
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签到天数: 42 天


 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-1 01:20:05 | 显示全部楼层
Now i'm gonna present 2d texture called vraydirtmap provided with vray. VRAY Dirt Texture map is used to generate occlusion map. On the image below, you can see how to connet VRAYDirt node to shader. VrayDirt node gives really good effect but it's not fast as mental ray's mia_occl_map.
现在若使用vray下我将要展示名叫vraydirtmap的2D贴图。VRAY Dirt Texture map是用来产生occlusion map的。在下面的图象上,你可以看到怎么连接VRAYDirt节点到shader。VrayDirt节点能产生非常棒的效果,但是
它没有mental ray的 mia_occl_map快。
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签到天数: 42 天


 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-1 01:21:38 | 显示全部楼层
Now take a look at bump and displacement. Bump map works like in any other renderengine, just by connecting bumpmap (mayatexturenode) with bump slot you gain nice bump effect.
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签到天数: 42 天


 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-1 01:22:08 | 显示全部楼层
... but where's displament slot?
It's a little bit tricky, while there's no place to connect this map, you need to put this directly into Shading Group. Take a look at the image below to see how to do this. Also, there are some advanced displacement options under render settings.
这个问题是有点棘手的,当它没有地方连接这个贴图的时候,你需要把它直接放到Shading Group里面.
MAYA VRAY 翻译教程8.jpg

签到天数: 42 天


 楼主| 发表于 2008-6-1 01:23:11 | 显示全部楼层
SSS is a part of VRAY Mtl allowing you simply and fast gain wax or skin like effect. Until it's not a 'physical' material, your renders should go quickly 3S是VRAY Mtl的一部分。允许你简单快速的获取蜡或皮肤效果。除非它不是物理材质,不然你的渲染速度会很快! Take a look at the setting in attreditor, there are not some many setting to play with, all you gotta do is set some refraction, fog clr and it's intensity and scatter coefficient. This SSS Material is far behind MentalRay's SSS Materials but it should be good for vizualisations arch, e.g for candles and thing like that. 看看attreditor里的设置,这里没有太多可使用的设置,所有你必须做的是设置一些反射,雾效,也只是调节强度和散布系数。这里的3S材质远不及MentalRay的3S材质,但是它对想蜡烛这样的事物支持是很好的!
MAYA VRAY 翻译教程9.jpg
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